#4 – Interview with Abuga Aroni from downhill254

Interview with downhill254

Interview with downhill254 / Abuga Aroni

In this Studio Longboard podcast we talk about skate- and longboard communities and the different styles of skateboarding. We do interviews with professional riders, manufacturers and other interesting people in skateboarding and longboarding scenes.

Abuga Aroni is a downhill longboarder from Nairobi, Kenya. He is running the blog „downhill254“ and became recently a member of Landyachtz flow team. Linda Bull and Paul from Draft Train Media are discussing in this episode with Abuga about the longboarding scene in Kenya, about how he came to Longboarding and his sponsorship with Landyachtz.

Here is one of the blogs from his website about how to slide on a longboard:


In this episode Paul is mentioning the Venom-Podcast. Here is the link to the podcast: Venom Podcast

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