Episode #6 - Interview with Brandon DesJarlais

Brandon is not only pro-rider sponsored by many great Longboard brands like Paris Trucks or Powell Peralta, he is also the brand manager of Moonshine MFG and one of the most famous longboarder on social media like Instagram and TicToc. In this interview Linda and Paul are talking with Brandon about how he came to…

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Interview with Jeff Vyain the Owner of Pantheon Longboards

Studio Longboard Podcast in cooperation with Draft Train Media In this Studio Longboard podcast we talk about skate- and longboarding communities and all the different styles of skateboarding. We do interviews with professional riders, manufacturers and other interesting people in skateboarding and longboarding scenes. Pantheon is a Longboard brand from Colorado, United States. The brand…

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Studio Longboard Podcast

In this Studio Longboard podcast we talk about skate- and longboard communities and all the different styles of skateboarding. We do interviews with professional riders, manufacturers and other interesting people from the scene. If you have any suggestions for interview partners or topics, please send us an email at info@studiolongboard.com The episodes of the podcast…

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Interview with downhill254

Interview with downhill254 / Abuga Aroni In this Studio Longboard podcast we talk about skate- and longboard communities and the different styles of skateboarding. We do interviews with professional riders, manufacturers and other interesting people in skateboarding and longboarding scenes. Abuga Aroni is a downhill longboarder from Nairobi, Kenya. He is running the blog „downhill254“…

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Longboard de studio