Wir freuen uns euch wieder zu regelmäßigen Jam-Sessions in unserem Tonstudio einladen zu können. Der Aufnahmeraum ist mit einer Backline ausgestattet. Ihr braucht nur eure Gitarren und Sticks mitzubringen. Wir werden die Jam-Sessions zumindest den Winter über am Donnerstag Abend einmal im Monat organisieren. Der Eintritt kostet 10 Euro. Getränke könnt ihr entweder selbst mitbringen…

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Podcast episode #7 - Interview with Shiran Habekost

In this podcast episode we’re excited to have Shiran Habekost as an interview partner. Shiran is not only a skater, who knows the skateboard scene since the 1980s and has founded some skate stores and skateboard brands in Hamburg. As he is part of quite a few national and international skateboarding clubs and associations for many years, he became an expert in structures of skateboarding.

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Studio Longboard Podcast

In this Studio Longboard podcast we talk about skate- and longboard communities and all the different styles of skateboarding. We do interviews with professional riders, manufacturers and other interesting people from the scene. If you have any suggestions for interview partners or topics, please send us an email at info@studiolongboard.com The episodes of the podcast…

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Longboard de studio