Alle die mit einem Brett, zwei Achsen und vier Rollen für immer vereint sind, feiern heute den Tag des Skateboardings. Was bedeutet das? Natürlich skaten gehen 😉 Wie letztes Jahr veranstaltet der Skateboard e.V. mit vielen Hamburger Skateshops und Brands eine City Tour mit vielen Skate-Sessions, Games, Stuff for Tricks und mehr. Wir sind natürlich…

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What’s new in the anniversary downhill line up? Rocket Longboards are made in the heart of the Swiss Alps. What once started as a one-man company no consists of four people. Every single board is still handcrafted from start to finish. By using only certified wood and the best reinforcing fibers, innovation is one of…

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Valkyrie Mk3 DH Slalom Trucks – Valkyrie cranked up the responsiveness and grip of downhill trucks. MK3 DH Slalom trucks consist of the tried and true Mk2 DH Slalom rear (R3mm rake) paired with a revolutionary new front truck design. The dual-pivot design of the front truck fully prescribes the movement of the hanger, allowing…

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Studio Longboard